Ollie 2 – Adopted!

Dog ID: 240218 Sex: Male Age: 1 Year old
Howdie! I’m Ollie 2. I guess there are other Ollies but I’m hoping I’m the Ollie for you!
I’m 1 1/2 years old and weigh 55 pounds. I’m what they call a “golden mix,” but the main ingredients in my “mix,” are love and sweetness! If you want someone to do agility training, I’m your guy – I love to run and hop. But if you need some chill time, I easily switch gears. I’m hoping my forever home has a dog that I can play with and love on. I’m all about love, can you tell? I’ve never met a stranger but it does take me a little while to get over my shyness with new people and places. I’m not a fan of crates but when you have to leave home, I’ll be good as gold. My foster parents are teaching me that the crate is a safe place, but I tend to bark and feel anxious when I’m left alone or am separated from my humans. Cats? I met my first cat the other day, and so far you could describe me as being gentle and cautious around the creature – smart, huh? But kids! Kids I love and am happy to be around. When I’m on a leash, I tend to do zig zags and pull pretty hard so I’m told that I could use some practice.
I think that’s all about me for now – I’m hoping it’s enough for you to know I’m the boy for you!