Available Dogs
Hi There! I'm Alfie! I weigh 40 pounds and the vet thinks I'm about a year old and. I'm a little guy, but I'm mighty! I came to TGRR after Hurricane Helene - I was at a shelter out west ...
New Bestie Alert! TGRR sent me off to Boot Camp - I heard them saying something about me being a "wild man." Anyway, Boot Camp is fun! Watch for my bio coming soon......
Cooper 2 – Adopted!
Hi. There's shy and then there's really shy and then there's me. I'm very slow to trust humans but once I do, I'm all in. I'm Cooper and I'm 4 years old and weigh just 38 pounds. Foster mom says ...
Hi there new best friend! I'm Marley and I'm 7 years old and weigh 65 pounds (I'm about 10-15 pounds overweight). I LOVE people! People are the best! I love getting belly rubs, scratched behind my ears and good old ...
Hi there. Um, I'm Lacey. I'm a year old, and I weigh 56 pounds. I'm a fearful girl so I need time to get to know you. I came from a hoarding situation and lived most of my life in ...
I'm tri-pod Mater (or Tater as my foster Mom likes to call me). I'm 5 years old and weigh 60 pounds. Having one less leg doesn't bother me at all! I might be a little clumsier than other dogs but ...
Take a chance on me and I'll make it sooooo worth your while! I may have a wonky heart (strong heart murmur) and elbows (elbow dysplasia) but I'm the bestest boy around! I'm Dakota! I'm two years old and weigh ...
Gunner – Adoption Pending
New Bestie Alert! TGRR is letting me settle in so they can learn what my needs are in my forever home. Watch for my bio coming soon......
Peaches – Adoption Pending
New Bestie Alert! TGRR is letting me settle in so they can learn what my needs are in my forever home. One thing they have learned so far is that my forever home must have a mentor dog for me, ...
Gabe – Adoption Pending
Mmmmmmph! Sorry, I had a toy in my mouth! I was saying "Hello!" I'm Gabe and I'm 3 1/2 years old and weigh 95 pounds. I'm not overweight, just a big beautiful boy. I like to carry balls or toys ...