Ollie – Adopted!

Dog ID: 230850 Sex: Male Age: 1 Year old
Helloooo there! I’m Ollie (that’s short for Oliver), and I’m a one-year-old, handsome, 62 lb. boy. I like grown up humans, kids make me nervous, I don’t like other dogs, and I’ve never been around cats, but I think I would probably torment them – just telling you like it is. 😁
TGRR needed help with some of my wild and crazy behaviors so off to boot camp they sent me! My trainers say I need to be adopted by someone who is a strong leader, otherwise I will take over as the head of the household. They also think I need an active home and a job that will provide both mental and physical workouts for me, e.g., maybe agility? I’m a very smart boy, just a hard-headed one that wants to get my way every chance I get. I know all the basic obedience stuff now. I love my crate, but most of all, I love when my human pets me and gives me attention. I would love to live in a rural area with a big fenced yard where we can play, practice agility, and I can chase any squirrels or rabbits that try to visit us. 😍
Now, isn’t it time for you to submit your application and see if you might get to take me or another TGRR canine home with you??! 💗