Maisie – Adoption Pending

Dog ID: 210523 Sex: Female Age: 5 Month old
Hello EVERYONE – my name is Maisie! I am five months old, and as you can see, I am a beautiful girl. I am a typical Golden pup: I’m full of energy, I love to play tug and roughhouse, chase a ball (but don’t count on my bringing it back to you), play with other young dogs, clown around with kids, and I like to chew on things like flowers and bushes. When I finish playing, I love to snuggle and just so you know, I’m really fluffy. Is your heart melting yet??? Foster mom says I am food motivated – she says that’s a good thing for training me, but it’s a bad thing when it comes to my manners ‘cause it means I like to check the countertop to see if she left anything there for me – human food smells oh so delicious to me! So far, I’ve learned “sit,” “come” and I’m working on “stay,” “off” and “down.” I really like my crate, and I’m learning good leash manners, just don’t let something fabulously interesting like a squirrel appear, cause that sends my leash manners out the window! I don’t think I’ve seen any cats yet, but I’m guessing they would be fun to chase. I’m a little nervous riding in the car, but if you promise to take me lots of places, I promise to get more relaxed when we go for rides.
I hope my forever home will have another dog that will tolerate my puppiness, one who will teach me the ropes, kids that will teach me not to jump on them, a big fenced yard to do zoomies in, and a patient family that will help me with manners and take me places so I can become more confident in the world.
One last thing…. the good folks at TGRR took me to see a neurologist because my head seems to wobble sometimes. My foster family notices it mostly when I’m really focused on something. The neurologist did all kinds of tests on me and said I have mild cerebellar and cerebral atrophy. It doesn’t bother me, so I hope it won’t bother you. I just wanted you to know everything about me.
If you’re looking for a life-long companion to make you smile, love you, and keep your family active, then I might just be the girl for you!