Buddy – Adopted!

Dog ID: 210101 Sex: Male Age: 2 Year old
“Oh, hello! I’m Buddy and I’m a 65-pound, almost 2-year-old very handsome Golden Retriever. The good news about me: I love people and everyone says I’m a lover boy. The challenging news about me: I’m not the most confident guy and just about EVERYTHING is super scary to me! This means if you’re the one for me, you’re going to need…. what’s that saying? “The patience of Job.” I need time to get warmed up to just about anything new to me – like the sound of a TV, microwave and icemaker, walking on wood floors, climbing steps, etc. Riding in cars is really fun and I’m chill for the ride, but I’m scared of getting in and out of cars, so you’re going to have to lift me in and out of the car, OK? But don’t think I’m going to be chill all the time, cause I can do zoomies like nobody’s business, and I’ll chase tennis balls you throw for me until your arm can’t throw any more, so please have a big fenced yard where you and me will have the perfect place to burn off energy. Since I’m such a love bug and I love your attention so-o-o-o much, I’d just as soon be your only dog. I’ve never been around cats, so I don’t know what I think about them. I’m really good walking on a leash. I love routines and knowing what is expected of me. I thrive on praise and positive reinforcement, we just need to take things slowwwwwwly, ya know? I’m hoping you live here in the Triad where we’ll be close to my trainer and TGRR’s resources. They’ve helped build my confidence and taught me how to be a dog. They tell me I have the biggest heart ever and that I’m going to make someone a really great dog, but I guess you’ve figured it out by now, I still have a ways to go. So if you have the patience, the energy and a heart big enough to work with me, I’ll be forever grateful and be the most loving companion you’ve ever known.”