Lucy (aka Honeybee) – Adopted!

Dog ID: 220853 Sex: Female Age: 7 Year old
Hey!! I’m Lucy, but everyone calls me HoneyBee. Nicknames are fun aren’t they? And I’m a fun girl! Do you have a big backyard? Are you home a lot? Do you have no other animals in the house? Great! Then you’d be perfect for me!
I’m a 7-year-old, 68 lb. Golden Mix, but I act much younger. I’ve got lots of energy and would enjoy hanging out with you in your backyard, but it has got to be securely fenced, because I’m what they call a “flight risk.” And here’s the thing about other animals. They drive me crazy! No really, I go googly-eyed and pull on the leash like crazy once I pick up a scent. It’s just who I am, so that’s why I’m told I really shouldn’t be in a house with another dog, or cat. I don’t know about children; the neighbor children look fun but I’ve never actually met them. Let’s just say you and I could be wonderful together, true BFF’S. Just you and me together with… SQUEAKY TOYS! Oh boy are those my favorite or what?! Hmm, what else? I have fun little “quirks” like…. I love to watch TV, all channels, especially the Pet Collective animal video channel – I could watch for hours! I also have some not so fun quirks.. like I get really anxious when you leave. I just love you so much.
I WILL snuggle with you and follow you around wherever you go in our home. So if you want a cute, silly, fun little shadow to be your BFF forever, then I’m your girl! Contact TGRR and don’t forget to mention me by name… HoneyBee!