
Dog ID: 200522 Sex: Male Age: 7 Year old
“Hello there! You look nice, do you want to be friends? My name is Jack. I’m a 7 year old Golden Mix and I weigh 73 lbs! Although….., I could stand to lose 10 lbs. or so. Not to make excuses or anything, but I can’t really commit to losing those extra pounds quite yet since I’m still healing from a gnarly surgery. When TGRR got me, I had just had surgery for a torn meniscus and ACL. I’m doing great and healing great, but I still have to move more slowly than I want to. My foster dad is a ROCKSTAR! I appreciate him so much, because he has helped this 70+ lb fluff ball stay off of that leg so it can heal. But not to worry, once we get the all clear from the vet, I’ll be ready to play and walk and swim and play some more with you! He says I adapt to the energy in the room, so if you want to chill while my leg heals, then we will chill! But if things get excited, I’ll get excited with you!
So beyond my healing leg, I’m a 10/10. I’m a catch! I’m a good listener, I’m housebroken, I’m eager to please, and I’m one of the happiest dogs you’ll ever meet. I get along great with other dogs I meet, but honestly, I want to be an only dog cause I prefer having my humans all to myself. I like cats too – I even try to get them to snuggle with me 🙂 Basically, I love everyone! Bottom line new friend, once we get past the whole “healing of my leg,” then we can be adventure buddies for life! Oh, and if you know how to give good belly rubs, then I’ll love you forever!”