Elvis – Adopted!

Dog ID: 230851 Sex: Male Age: 4 Year old
Are You Lonesome Tonight?? Do You Miss Me Tonight?? 🎸
Hey – Elvis here….. and I’m lookin’ to make a fresh start. My Vegas gig kinda fizzled out and up until a few months ago – I was runnin’ the streets – and ended up in the shelter! There I was… “The King” – 4 years old, underweight at 44 lbs., and labeled a “mix.” It’s a good thing I’m famous and TGRR recognized me & got me outta there. They say, “Elvis – you’re a smart boy. You’re a fast learner (knows sit/no), you take correction well, play well with others (dogs/cats/not sure about kids), you love people, you’re pretty good on a leash and you’re a fairly chill boy.”
I am a good boy – I just need to get my confidence back. I still get a little stage fright, so don’t be tryin’ to get me into a crate (I don’t need one) or take me to new places just yet. I’ve learned some escape artist tricks in Vegas too – I’ve been known to wiggle out of collars and harnesses! Until I get my groove back, I need to know you will keep me safe and be aware of my urges to run, I definitely don’t want to be back on the streets.
Just know I’m a good ol’ handsome Southern boy looking for a new home filled with love, snuggles, tennis balls and another canine or kitty sibling – and YOU! So, Don’t Be Cruel and pass me by. I Just Can’t Help Falling in Love With You and I Just Wanna Be Your Teddy Bear. Thank you, thank you very much. 💋