
Dog ID: 191045 Sex: Female Age: 10 Month old
Hello hello. Nice to meet you! My name is Sunshine. I’m an adorable 10-month-old Golden Mix, and I’m sweet as can be! I aim to please and love to be affectionate. My foster parents like to call me an oversized puppy. Don’t let my 55lb. body fool you, I’m still young at heart (and actually young), and I’ve got the energetic personality to go with it! I came into TGRR with a broken leg. Ya, that hurt. BUT the wonderful doctors fixed me right up! I’m using my leg pretty normally now as it continues to heal. Which is great news becaue that means I get to be active with friends. I like humans and dog friends in fact. Except, I don’t really want girl fur friends, just the men please! (am I being picky, or am I just being a smart lady? ) Although, I must say that big dominant dogs frighten me a bit, regardless of gender. I haven’t been exposed to those cat or kid things yet, but now that my leg has healed, I could adventure more and find out! I can get nervous in a car, buuutttt I’m good on a leash, I’m housebroken, and I even know some commands! That’s all I’ve got to report for now folks. As I learn new things and grow into a mature young lady, I’ll report back!