
Dog ID: 190940 Sex: Female Age: 5 Year old
“Heya! My name is Roxy. I’ll give a high five to whomever can guess what’s unique about me? (I’ll give you time to think…… Okay, time’s up!) I have no Golden in me! And yet TGRR rescued me anyway! Oh silly you, you thought it was the fact that I have only 3 legs, this is true, thank you for noticing :), but I want you to know that I get around as well as any 4-legged pup. And trust me, having one less limb does not slow me down! In fact, it probably makes me more confident. My foster mom calls me an “alpha.” I may be 5-years-old, but I have the energy of a pup. I like to play with other dogs, and I enjoy children too, although I’m a bit too wild for the little ones! I haven’t been around cats yet, but I’m guessing it would be a lot of fun to chase them. I’m 44 lbs. which means I can fit in your lap. And sister, if you’re in the front seat in the car, shotgun is mine, my friend 😉
If you’ve got a house with room to roam, a big fenced yard where I can chase squirrels, and you’re up to the challenge of teaching this 3-legged rock star how to walk on a leash, then we’re perfect for each other!