
Dog ID: 191048 Sex: Male Age: 7 Year old
We are excited to announce the adoption of Luke!
“Hey TGRR! Guess what?! I’ve got myself a new family. I can’t even describe what they mean to me, because they mean the WORLD! My family and I have gotten quite close, especially me and dad. He let’s me snooze in between his legs. He’s what they call ‘retired’ so we get to spend all day everyday together. So far we’ve gone to some pretty cool places together. Like the bank, the home store, a car dealership, and more. Wherever dad is going, I’m going too! I’m his little side-kick and I couldn’t be more proud of that!
I also got 2 fur siblings in my new home. They’re called cats. I still don’t understand them, but I’m willing to make friends with them if they want to! Mom, dad, and I go on a 1 mile walk each and every day. I love it because I get to explore the whole outside world with my nose, and there’s a lot to sniff!!
My family wanted me to share that they know I was meant to be for them. Like anyone who’s adopted from a rescue knows, sometimes the process can be longer than some people would anticipate, as the volunteers work on their perfect match making. Well, when my parents put in their application, their dog Tess was sick, and they knew they didn’t want to have a home without 4 paws in it. When Tess passed over the rainbow bridge, I was sent to my family from TGRR in that exact same month. They truly feel it was meant to be, and so do I! I only wish I could have met Tess, but I’ve heard great stories!”
Thank you for your perfect match making skills TGRR!
Love, Luke