Ginger – Adopted!

Ginger 230961 - 5

Dog ID:  230961    Sex:  Female    Age:  6 Year old

Psssst! Over here, it’s me, Ginger, a 6-year-old, 80 lb. Golden Retriever. I’m very shy. I’ve been asked to tell you about myself and I’m going to do my best but you’ll need to give me time to do things at my pace.

I came from an unstable place where I didn’t learn to “dog” like most dogs get to. So, it takes me a little while to warm up to people and other dogs. I want to, so just give me time!

I LOVE to be petted and it turns out I love to play with other dogs, I’m just learning the ropes. What I have is lots of love to give, but what I don’t have is confidence. The longer I’ve been with my foster mom and dad, the more I’ve learned to trust them and show my true personality. Loud noises and sudden movements still startle me but who can blame me? I know now to come when they call me, and I found out if I sit when they ask me to, I get a treat (I love treats)! I’m up for a game of fetch pretty much any time after I get to know you, and I’m all in for a car ride.

My first foster home left socks around that were tasty, so it’s important if you adopt me not to leave those things lying around unless you want them eaten (which could cause me to go to the vet for surgery and I don’t like the sound of that at all)!

Enough about me, what about you? Do you have other friendly dogs for me to play with? Are you patient? Can you spend time getting me to trust you so we can become besties? If so, please get your application in, I’d love to meet you!