Diesel – Adopted!

Dog ID: 220851 Sex: Male Age: 8 Year old
Who’s got four furry paws and loves attention? ME!
Heya! The name’s Diesel, you know, like a diesel truck. I’m similar to those trucks in the fact that I’m handsome, sleek, strong, and I make quite an impact! I’m 8-years old, but I feel and act much younger, and I weigh 85 lbs. I love people, do OK with other dogs, I pull like everything walking on a leash, and I terrorize those cat things. I’m a big boy and those cats are like little toy cars – just something made to play with. I’m a very social guy though, so I’ll hang out with you wherever you are. With me being so headstrong and active for my age, you might be wondering how I do in a crate or in the car – I do great!
Bottom line? I’m gonna be a great house pet once I get a few kinks out of my system – like learning how to walk on leash and improving my manners here and there. Other than that, this big guy is ready for ya!