Maggie – ADOPTED!

Dog ID: 220633 Sex: Female Age: 5 Year old
Hey there! I’m Maggie, a 5-year-old, 71 lb. Golden Retriever and I’m a pretty chill girl. I have that sweet Golden personality everyone loves. Belly rubs and attention from humans are just wonderful. I’m also content just chilling or sleeping, enjoying my own space. When outside, my energy perks up. Walks are fun, and I know how to “heel,” but I’ve also been known to pull lots on leash. You know, blame it on the fresh kick of energy that the outdoors gives me. I also know how to sit, drop it, and leave it! I ride well in a car, I’m calm in a crate, and I’m learning how much fun it is to be out and about and socialize. My foster mom says that I’m a very smart dog!
I’d like a home where I can be the only dog, no cats, and no children please – they make me nervous! 😁
All-in-all, I’m blossoming into the bestest, goodest, sweetest girl and I can’t wait to meet you and become the ‘Lady of the House!’