Darby – Adopted!

Dog ID: 230105 Sex: Male Age: 18 Month old
Hey there! The name is Darby. Like Derby as in Kentucky Derby, except dArby. I could be in the Kentucky Derby though haha get it… Darby at the Derby. 🙂
Anyway, I’m a Golden Mix, weigh a little over 60 lbs., and I’m about 18 months old. I was too energetic for my former owners so TGRR took this handsome boy in! I LOVE them for that! I love all people actually, and you know what? I love dogs too! They’re sooo fun to play with! I love to play, do zoomies, get allll the attention, and just be a goofball. I’m still learning good manners and such from my trainers, like how to not jump on people, so I’ve been told to tell you…. that we need to keep practicing what the trainers are teaching me. Can you commit to do that? If you will, and you’re a fun home, then I belong there, because I’m a fun guy!