
Dakota 241188 - 7

Dog ID:  241188    Sex:  Male    Age:  2 Years old

Take a chance on me and I’ll make it sooooo worth your while! I may have a wonky heart (strong heart murmur) and elbows (elbow dysplasia) but I’m the bestest boy around! I’m Dakota! I’m two years old and weigh 72 pounds. I enjoy pets, snuggles and getting brushed.

I’m going to humble brag a bit because I’m told I need to convince you to give me a loving home with my stellar attributes. I know Sit, Come, OK, Ready/Set/Go (before going outside), Wait, Settle and Quiet. I’m working on Down but I have an endearing habit of giving hugs that I just can’t seem to break. I’m also working on “Drop It” and “Leave It” (more on that to come in the Floor Score section below).

But more than that, Foster Mom says I’m charming and funny and I bring smiles to those around me. What more can you ask for in a dog?

I need to let you know that I know how to self regulate. What does that mean? It means that when I exert myself, my heart will let me know to calm down and that’s what I do. I like to hang out on my dog bed and grab a blanket to soothe myself or a toy to gum.

There’s one naughty thing I do and that is I’m all about the Floor Scores. If you drops it, I eat it – paper towels, cat toys, pinecones, it’s all fair game. I also try and eat things on walks, so you need to keep on eye on me.  TGRR thinks I’m best in a home that doesn’t have kids so you don’t have to worry about teaching them not to leave things on the floor that I can eat.

I’m crate trained but don’t really need it. I just as soon hang out in the house if you need to leave and as long as you check the floor before you leave, I can be trusted.

I do pull on the leash but foster Mom says I’m great on a harness! I love walks! You just need to keep in mind that I can’t over exert myself.

I love other dogs and cats too! I’m a love when it comes to meeting new dogs and cats. I’m curious and would like to play but read the cues of the other animals well and adjust my energy level accordingly.

Tug is one of my favorite things! I will play tug with you or another dog whenever you’re up for it.

So the wonky heart condition is above my pay grade to describe to you. I’ll leave that up to the TGRR folks to explain it to you further when you reach out and ask about adopting me.  Just know that I do have to take special medicine and that a corrective surgery is likely in my future. Please take a chance on me!