
Dog ID: 221171 Sex: Male Age: 2 Year old
Had to be euthanized.
Hello! I’m Custard, a mix of… well I’m not exactly sure, but I have dew claws on my back feet and the beauty of a Great Pyrenees so we’re guessing there’s some of that in me. I’m about 2 years old (guessing that too – I was a stray), weigh 70+ lbs., and I’m quite energetic! I’ll gladly expend my energy outside in a big fenced yard and if you want to play with me, great! Just be warned, I can go from 0-100 real fast when playing with humans! I like other dogs so if you have another active dog, we can expend our energy together. Speaking of energy, I could easily walk/run 5 miles a day if you wanted to! I could also do it at 5 AM if you want (not that we have to, but I do like being up with… or before the sun). I do fine in a car (if crated) and walking on a leash (with a training collar).
I just know there’s a forever family out there for me, but I’ve been told to tell you, that an “inexperienced dog family” is not for me, because my stubbornness, confidence, and energy is well…. a lot to handle! However, my handsomeness makes up for it, don’t you think?!