Cooper – Adopted!

Dog ID: 220420 Sex: Male Age: 8 Month old
“Hi… human. That’s what you are, right? I hear humans can be kind to dogs like me, at least that’s what my foster mom and everyone at TGRR is trying to teach me. My name is Cooper. I’m an 8-month-old, 30 lb. Golden Mix. TGRR calls me an “unsocialized dog.” I live with other dogs at my foster home but they’re different than me – they aren’t afraid like I am. I pee out of fear when I’m scared, but the other dogs wag their tails wanting to have their bellies rubbed. They go outside to do their business and come back inside willingly, but I have to go potty on a leash or I’m hard to get back inside. I LOVE playing outside, especially with other dogs! I’ve found some humans that I like now that I’ve had time to get to know them. I even took a nap on a human’s lap the other day! I relaxed and could feel… happiness? I think that’s what it was. Both from the human and from me! My foster mom has this really nice shower in a quiet part of her house that I like to hang out in. I feel safe there, it’s my safe spot. I guess you could say that I still don’t know what to think of you humans, I gather you could be a real friend of mine, but I just haven’t let go of my fear yet. So I mean, if you have what they call “patience” and “understanding,” then the folks at TGRR tell me that we might just be a good fit for each other!”