Woody – Adopted!

Dog ID: 230324 Sex: Male Age: 1 Year old
Nice to meet you! I’m Woody! Like the Toy Story character, I’m super friendly and love to play! I’m almost two years old and I weigh, well, I weigh 91 pounds. The veterinarian says I really need to take off some weight – it’s bad for my joints. I’m not the right candidate to be your running partner. That doesn’t mean I can’t handle a nice walk with you! I’m playful but I tend to wear out soon because of my extra weight.
I’m working on learning obedience – I know sit, stay, come, down and wait. Like most Golden Retrievers, I have selective hearing when it comes to “come” and “wait!” 😁 I’m also working on not pulling too hard on the leash and making great progress on that.
I’m fine with being in a crate if you need me to but you can also leave me alone with the run of the house and not have to worry about anything being amiss when you come home.
I love to play tug and carry my stuffies around. I love to be part of the pack – people especially, but also other dogs. I’m hoping my new family has another dog for me! Cats, not so much. I’m told I’m wayyyyyy too interested in felines for me to live in a home with one. I’ve never really been around little kids but I do great with my foster mom’s 12-year-old neighbor.
I also love to ride in the car and have no problem getting in and out (despite my hefty size). I’m hoping my next car ride leads to you! You won’t regret it. Like my theme song goes: “You’ve got a friend in me!”