Ruby – Adopted!

Dog ID: 220531 Sex: Female Age: 8 Month old
Hellllloooo! I’m Ruby, a 9-month-old Irish Setter/Golden Retriever mix and I weigh 60 lbs. I’m quite the pup, with personality for days! My big & silly personality was just enough for TGRR to let me go stay with a “trainer.” Honestly, it’s been a good time, I LOVE training! In fact, TGRR has decided my adopter needs to live in the Triad area of NC so they can get continuing help on handling little ole me from the trainer I’m working with here. My adopter will need to be someone who will enforce and continue what I’ve learned so far. I do love play dates with rambunctious dogs, but I can get a bit whacko, so if you have another dog, it will have to be one that can handle little ole me! OMG those cats!? I might hurt them, so no forever home with kitties! Kids? Teens are OK, but I’m too wild for little ones please and thank you! 😁
Okay so, yeah you get it, I’m a puppy, and I have energy to spare. Maybe you’re adventurous? I’d looovvee to go explore the world with you, even take a nose work class with you! I’m quite the…. What’s that big person word?… opportunist? Yeah, that’s it! If something looks fun, gosh darn it, it will be fun! Such as, while swimming, I like to find a good spot with mud to play in! 😁 Get ready, we’re gonna have a LOT of fun together! Meet you sooooooon!