Rayna – Adopted!

Rayna 221275 - 4

Dog ID:  221275    Sex:  Female    Age:  1 Year old

Hi… my name is Rayna. I am a one-year-old, 53 lb., Golden Retriever. The first thing you need to know about me is that I am very skittish. I’m afraid of about everything and everyone. You see, I lived a secluded life before coming to TGRR. This means I have ‘quirks’ that will probably be around forever, so my adopter needs to be a patient and understanding person and realize this about me.

Here’s some good news:  I love dogs! TGRR says I must have a mentor dog in my forever home…. a confident dog who can show me the ropes – teach me that doorways aren’t that bad, noises aren’t going to hurt me and that people are OK. I am actually quite energetic and playful with other dogs, and here’s the fun part for you:  I LOVE to play fetch! You can throw a tennis ball all day long, and I’ll bring it back to you til the sun goes down! 😁

My foster mom wants you to know that although I’m skittish, that I gain a little more confidence each day and she can’t wait to see me blossom into a wonderful house dog with my forever family. Do you have some time to spare and a furry sibling to show me the ropes? If so, get your adoption application in, I’d love to meet you!

Love & licks,
