Pumpkin – Adopted!

Dog ID: 220102 Sex: Female Age: 3 Year old
Hello everyone! My name is Pumpkin, and I am a beautiful 3-year-old, 66-pound, Golden Retriever.
The first thing you need to know about me is that I am very skittish. I’m afraid of about everything and everyone. You see, I lived a secluded life before coming to TGRR. This means I have ‘quirks’ that will probably be around forever, so my adopter needs to be a patient and understanding person, and realize this about me.
Slowly and surely my foster family is introducing me to the world. Even though I’m shy around new people, I’m learning about being friendly to them when we go for walks in the neighborhood and when we have visitors. I get along GREAT with other dogs. I love to play outdoors with my canine foster siblings, so another confident dog(s) who can teach me the ropes (but isn’t too demanding of me) is a must in my forever home! Oh – and I love, love, love to play with tennis balls! I love to be petted and brushed. Car rides are a blast, I jump right in and out of the car all by myself. I don’t bark or whine, I’m not destructive, I think belly rubs are the best, and there’s not one aggressive hair on my body. Foster mom thinks I will make a wonderful companion for someone who is home a lot (retired or works from home) and can spend a lot of time with me and help me learn how great it is to be a Golden Retriever! I prefer a home with no kids, cause noisy bouncy kids would make be nervous. I haven’t met any cats yet.
The TGRR vet says I’m a healthy girl but she wants me to take joint supplements for arthritis showing up in my back end. Not to fear – don’t let me get fat and I’ll be fine!
My foster family wants you to know that although I’m skittish, that I gain a little more confidence each day and they can’t wait to see me blossom into a wonderful house dog with my forever family. Do you have some time to spare and a furry sibling to show me the ropes? If so, get your adoption application in, I’d love to meet you!
Love & licks,
Pumpkin ❤️