Lillie – ADOPTED!

Dog ID: 231168 Sex: Female Age: 1 Year old
Hey there! I’m Lillie, I’m a 65 lb., 1-year-old English Cream Golden Retriever and I am totally a girl’s girl. I’d love to hang out with you and have Girls’ Nights every night on the couch together! Truth be told: I’m afraid of men and little humans make me nervous. I will tell you though that I’m good with cats and other dogs. In fact, TGRR thinks I will be happiest in a home that has a young playful dog who can teach me how to “dog” and help me learn to trust people and new things. Wouldn’t you just love to snuggle with TWO of us on the couch each night?!
I might only be 1-year-old but I’m actually quite calm and an over-all good girl. I’m your “typical Golden” in the sense that I love attention.🥰 I’m pretty good walking on a leash as long as I don’t see something that scare me, I’m housebroken, and I looooove to get pets. The other day I overheard my Foster Mom say, “Except for the fact that she’s scared of men, Lillie is a pretty perfect dog.” I think that’s a compliment, don’t you? So yeah, maybe we can try this thing out and maybe you have another dog I can learn from, and I promise I’ll work on being less fearful of new things as long as you work with me and promise me snuggles and pets in return. Deal?