Champ – Adopted!

Dog ID: 230424 Sex: Male Age: 5 Year old
Hey friend! It’s me, Champ. I’m a 5-year-old Golden, I weigh 60 lbs., and I mean it when I say “friend” because everyone is my friend! I am an outgoing, social, and happy happy boy! I just want to be with you, mhm it’s true. So much so that if I’m not in a crate when you’re gone, I’ll eat things in the house to entertain myself – oopsie, that’s not good! So like, maybe you could work from home?? Do you think your boss would understand if you had to be home more often because you have a new baby? And by baby… I mean me.😍 Now, don’t go thinking that another dog would keep me company and therefore entertained because it’s not true HAHA. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind other dogs, but I just LOVE YOU! Okay, okay, simmer down Champ… I’m making it sound like I have separation anxiety which I do NOT, I just love you.
Oh! I am potty trained, I am a work in progress on leash, I am not fond of cats, and I know commands… (some of them), yay me! I’m here to tell ya that I’m a good boy and I really really would make you happy, so… what do ya say?!