Brynn – Adopted!

Dog ID: 240541 Sex: Female Age: 1 Year old
Hello! So nice to meet you – I’m Brynn! I’m all about hanging out with you and another young playful dog in the yard. I love to play fetch but I also love watching Fireflies and just hanging out. I spent some time on the streets as a stray dog so no one knows exactly how old I am. TGRR’s veterinarian guesses I’m around a year old. I weighed only 45 pounds when TGRR first got me, but I’m happily putting on a little more weight.
I love other dogs! My introduction includes a play bow to check the temperature to see if the other dog is ready to play. I’m really good at figuring that out and am very respectful of other dogs’ moods. If they’re up for playing though, it’s game on! I’ll keep playing as long as they’re up for it. Cats you ask? I ignore them!
True confession: I am not good on leash! I pull lots and I like to stop and sniff everything. So if you take me on and you want a walking companion, you’ll need to be up for some training me how to walk on leash. But hey, I’m sweet and eager to learn so don’t let that stop you from adding me to your family!
While I’m confessing, I’m also not great about sharing treats or food. Foster mom says it really isn’t a big issue though and is easily managed by feeding me separately and not giving me treats when other dogs are around.
I’m still working on my confidence in meeting new people, so while I’m curious about kids, I don’t think I want to live with them and all the chaos they tend to have.
After life on the streets, I’m living the high life now at my foster home, and I look forward to finding my forever home. Is it you? I hope so and can’t wait to meet you!