Toby – Adopted!

Toby 240539 - 4

Dog ID:  240539    Sex:  Male    Age:  6 Month old

Heya! I’m Toby and I’m so glad to meet you! I’m 6 months old and weigh 51 pounds. Six months is still a baby, ya know? They tell me I’m learning new things all the time and that I’m a fast learner. They also say I like to test boundaries, so I need someone who can be a leader in my life.

I’m great in a crate – foster Mom says I get a 10 out of 10! I’m starting to catch on to commands like Sit and Stay, but haven’t quite got the hang of Leave It. I also haven’t quite got the hang of signaling folks when I need to go potty, so I’m going to need you to put me on a “puppy schedule” and take me out regularly until I get the hang of it. Speaking of being outside, I kind of don’t like just hanging out without my peeps close by. I wanna be wherever you are!

I LOVE my foster brother! We run and play with toys and just generally have a great time. I could probably be an “only” dog but I’d be happier with another furry pal to play with and teach me the ropes.

I’m good with teenagers, but I haven’t been around little ones yet. I’ve also never been around cats so I’m not sure if I like them.

Something else that I’ve discovered lately is WATER! My foster family took me to the beach and they also took me for a boat ride on a lake. Boy oh boy, that was that fun!

So if you’re looking for a youngster with a loving, Golden personality, I’m your special guy!