Scout – Adopted!

Dog ID: 220319 Sex: Male Age: 4 Year old
Hello there! My name is Scout and I’m a 4-year-old Golden who is ready to explore! Here’s my idea of a perfect day: we wake up, then after breakfast we go for a walk to smell all the smells. Be warned – I pull on the leash, because I’m just SOOOO excited to be outside burning energy! When we get back home, we can play together. Continuing on… after everyone is up, we will all just hang out while the day gets going. Don’t you worry though, I’ll never be far from you because I am what you might call a “Velcro Dog.”
As the day goes on, we go for a car ride (oh boy, oh boy!) to a nearby trail for a shaded walk. Then, when we get home, we’ll go outside to play fetch – Heck Yes! And then, to cool off, we’ll play with the water hose – my favorite! Oh boy I’m getting so excited just thinking about it! Oh wow, it’s dinner time already? You’ll tell me to ‘sit’ and ‘stay’ while you get my food ready, and I’ll listen, because I’m a good boy. Then, after dinner, when the house calms down from the busyness of the day, so will I. We will hang out on the couch until bed time. If you want me to sleep in my crate, I will, because I like my crate, it’s my home inside our home.
So yeah, that’s pretty much my ideal day. Just me, my family, and a bunch of adventures! You might be wondering if I like other dogs. Well, I’m kind of picky when it comes to my canine friends, I prefer a submissive female. How about cats? Meh, they’re okay. Small kids? No thank you! Loveable and cuddleable big humans? Yes please!