Dixie – Adopted!

Dog ID: 240970 Sex: Female Age: 5 Year old
Hello, my name is Dixie! I’m five years old and I weigh 89 pounds – I actually need to shed a few pounds.😍
My foster mom says I’ve got a great personality! I am very loving and I get along great with other dogs and humans of all ages. I play well with my furry foster brother, and I’m a typical Golden velcro dog with my Foster Mom. I could take or leave cats – I’ve never lived with one, but I saw one at the vet’s office and I was not impressed. Foster Mom says I’d be great living with other dogs or that I’d be fine being an only dog. I’m flexible like that.
My favorite thing to do is hang out at night fetching balls! I rarely get tired of that. When it gets dark outside, I’m not exactly afraid but I won’t go outside unless someone goes with me. Thunderstorms and loud noises make me a little anxious, but it’s nothing that can’t be handled with a nice pat on the head.
I know some commands – sit, spin around, shake, move, and let’s go out. I’m also great on the leash! I ride well in the car and get in and out with no problem.
Foster Mom says I’ve been known to counter surf, and I’m quite sneaky about it. I know it isn’t right but if I see something interesting on the countertop, I just can’t resist sneaking off with it!
If you can help me overcome my interest in sneaky countertop surfing, I promise to be the love of your life!