Bego (aka Scout) – Adopted!

Dog ID: 210732 Sex: Male Age: 7 Year old
Greetings! My name is Bego…but given my rich heritage – perhaps I should go by “Sir Bego.” Why? Well, I am a Llewellyn Setter – a breed that originated in the late 1800’s in England. My breed is known for being, “Sweet, mild-mannered dogs with a strong desire to be in the company of people.” That’s me, and that’s why I landed with a Golden Retriever rescue!
If I were on a dating app, my profile might sound too good to be true: Mature gentleman (7 years old) with agreeable temperament (tail always wagging), loves car rides and neighborhood walks (great on a leash), adores children (puppies & cats – not so much), great cuddler & snuggler, most content to hang out at home (with YOU!) but still enough energy to play and have fun! As for my size – not too big, not too small (50 lbs.) with a slim physique. Some say I could gain a few pounds – ice cream, anyone??
But to keep it real – none of us are perfect, right? So to prove that I’m also honest, I will disclose that despite my finery, I have a penchant for indiscriminate dining (socks and trash – so embarrassing!), so I need to find a tidy soulmate that doesn’t leave these things lying about (and crates me when gone to keep me safe), someone who gives me ample opportunity to use the “loo,” I must have potty breaks at least every 8 hours. Such minor detractors pale in comparison to all of my great qualities, wouldn’t you say?
If you are searching for a gentle, mellow soul to share your life and love with, I just may be the Brit you’ve been looking for. Remember: I love to cuddle!!
Sir Bego