
Bear 240754 - 2

Dog ID:  240754    Sex:  Male    Age:  3 Year old

Shhhh, it’s nap time for me. Oh, did you need me to wake up and say hello? Alright then, Hello! I’m Bear and I’m happy to meet you! I’m three years old, I weigh 84 pounds (I could stand to lose a few of those pounds!), and I like to take naps! I am a very mellow and calm boy.

I love following around my people and am all in for some pets between naps. I also like other dogs and get along great with them. I would love it it I got to live with another dog in my forever home and we could play in between snoozes. I used to live with four other dogs and got along great with them. Here at my foster home, there’s sometimes another dog here, but she’s old and not into playing and I miss that.

Kids are cool! I’ve not been around cats, so I’m not sure how I feel about them.

I walk well on the leash. I also know how to Sit, Come, Down and Wait. I may jump on you when I first see you in the morning, but Foster Mom says I’m easily corrected because I want to please humans. She says that I am a traditional Golden Retriever with a matching Golden personality.

Time to go back for a nap! Wake me up when it’s time to meet you! I hope it’s soon!